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    MID GmbH Logo
    MID GmbH – Driving Continuous Transformation

    As a medium-sized IT company which specializes in the areas of processes, architecture, data and system and software development, our aim is to provide companies from all industries with the capabilities they need for continuous transformation. Our decades of expertise is sustained by our 170 employees and also thanks to our 360° portfolio. This has enabled us to drive our customer’s digitalization projects for over 40 years.

    The MID Tool Family

    The next generation web-based BPM solution you can use to bring your processes to life.

    A comprehensive tool, from Enterprise Architecture to business analysis, right through to database modeling.

    Share your models web-based: Innovator, Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw, Matlab, Rhapsody, Visio, IBM Jazz, DOORS on one plattform.

    The only platform that converts models from over 70 well-known modeling tools in unparalleled quality.